Wednesday, 28 January 2009


Welcome to Andeh & George's 21-Day Detox. We have decided we would like to be healthier, and since we don't do things by halves - we're going for a full on cold turkey, cutting out alcohol and naughty takeaways. It won't be too strict in rules other than that, but we will aim to eat healthier than we currently do (for example, most of my 'meals' are made up of crisps and/or chocolate) - so a ready meal here or there is allowed. We are also allowed one guilty pleasure - George is still allowed to smoke, and I can have my regular full english breakfast from The Pilgrim at lunch on a Tuesday.

I have no idea what else we're going to write in this - perhaps what we have eaten? Is cold turkey getting to us? But it will serve its purpose (taking our minds off drink and kebabs)


The detox starts as soon as we wake up on SATURDAY 31ST JANUARY and ends as soon as we wake up on SATURDAY 21ST FEBRUARY (my birthday!)

1 comment:

  1. Good shout on the kebabs - did you see on the news that ther's like 2000 calories in a kebab!?! That's like more than you should have in a whole day haha!
    I can't imagine you without alcohol anymore Andeh - this will show whether you are a true alcoholic or not haha!
